Presentation proposals for the 2024 WeTeach_CS Summit<https://utakeit.tacc.ut 4/> are now being accepted! The WeTeach_CS Summit is a two-day event which educates, empowers, and inspires K-12 computer science (CS) and cybersecurity teachers, advocates, administrators, professional development providers, university instructors, and policy-makers to advance the goal of CS for All in Texas and beyond. This year’s Summit is June 11-12, 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas, at the Historic Fort Worth Hilton< en/hotels/ftwfwhf-hilton-fort- worth/>. Approximately 400 CS and cybersecurity champions will be in attendance.
Strands include:
* Advanced CS
* Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
* Broadening Participation
* Cybersecurity
* Integrating computational thinking, computer science, and cybersecurity into other subjects
* Introductory CS
* Leadership
* Physical Computing
Submit your presentation< kEbUcJTr93HIJyGysftCF0wMDwdRF_ myog0HcrvrWTQ/viewform> today! Submissions will be accepted through January 10, 2024. Accepted presenters will be notified no later than January 29, 2024, with a $200 discount for up to two presents. Registration for the Summit opens February 1, 2024.
Need ideas for a presentation? The WeTeach_CS team is proud to offer a webinar< m/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScI7uGL8hxz VsnwC_qLtE_GUzV_euOIAL8Z8- RxF8yP3tal8A/viewform> for prospective presenters! The purpose of this webinar is to discuss successful presentation proposal submissions. After the initial overview, you will be invited to visit strand-specific breakout rooms where you can ask questions about your presentation proposal(s). This webinar is December 14, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Central Time.
< ?v=k9pRZPT0t60>
Strands include:
* Advanced CS
* Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
* Broadening Participation
* Cybersecurity
* Integrating computational thinking, computer science, and cybersecurity into other subjects
* Introductory CS
* Leadership
* Physical Computing
Submit your presentation<
Need ideas for a presentation? The WeTeach_CS team is proud to offer a webinar<